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On makerspaces

The maker movement is also about kindness and helping one another through community and making. In the Jeff Sturges TED talk, the example of the makerspace housed in a church in Detroit was given. It is a space for community members to go to learn skills they wanted to learn, to work on making things they wanted to make, and a safe space for them to simply exist. A mom and her son worked together to earn bikes as they learned how to build and repair bikes. A young man wanted to make music, so he learned how to use Garageband, and the outcome was him winning $5,000 in a local talent contest. These people were given the opportunity to learn how to fix items they had in their home, and how to make items they wanted to own. In addition to learning specific making skills, they were also taught entrepreneurial skills that could be used to support themselves, and support the community they lived in. Detroit is well known for being a city in need. As the quote goes, “From each according to [their] ability, to each according to [their] needs”, these people will provide for their city and community now, all through learning and making together.

— LIS 5970 Makerspaces group discussion #1 

september 2017

This reflection came from the first group discussion in the class. The importance of Objective 1 was readily considered during these discussions. 

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