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To learn about the responsibilities of a Children’s/Young Adult librarian.


To learn not only the needs and desires of the patrons that I serve, but also the ways in which they disseminate information.

LIS-5053 - Information Users in the Knowledge Society

In exploring the information gathering of visual artists, I discovered little research had been completed on this group, and what research had been completed was outdated as it did not take into account the use of technology in information gathering. 

This fact underscored the need of the librarian to understand how patrons disseminate information and to ensure that those findings are still relevant. 

LIS-5023 - Management of Information

Knowledge Systems

Creating a strategic plan for a small town public library gave me great insight into balancing the needs and desires of the patrons of a library with the resources, specifically funding, available to the library from the city government.

One responsibility of a children's/young adult librarian is to communicate the needs and desires of the demographic they serve to the library director, in order for those needs and desires to be considered, and ultimate, and hopefully, met. 

LIS-5033 - Information and Knowledge Society

Discovering and learning about information science, and what that science entails, was of great interest to me. Investigating the theories of information grounds and information encountering encouraged my understanding of what it truly means to serve your patrons, as a librarian must not simply learn the needs and desires of the patron, but also master how those patrons disseminate information. 

LSTD 5043- Research Methods

For this research proposal, my topic is how the use of horror film can be used to relieve anxiety. While this is not directly related to librarianship, researching a topic regarding a problem and solution for a specific demographic does relate to librarianship as librarians must provide solutions for problems that their patrons bring to them. 

The research underscores the objective of the young adult librarian understanding the needs and desires of their patrons. 

This research proposal is an assignment intended to be completed throughout the semester. At this time, the attached PDF contains what has been completed thus far in the class. 

LSTD 5513- information sources and services

For this assignment, we were to go to a library of our choosing and ask for assistance from the reference librarian in a topic we were interested in. After the experience, we were asked to answer several questions regarding the experience, and to reflect on the interaction. The interaction I had was poor, which ingeminated the emphasis of two of my objectives:

  1. To identify methods of giving young adults a sense of community and engagement. 

  2. To learn not only the needs and desires of the patrons that I serve


It is essential for librarians to establish trust among the community they are serving, especially when it comes to children and young adults. Establish this trust requires that undivided attention be given to the patron, and that every resource be used and made available to them. 

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