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Looking Forward

statement of achievement

Now that I have reached the end of the program, I am enthusiastic to join the field of librarianship, and am convinced the School of Library and Information Science at the University of Oklahoma has prepared me for this. While I conclude my goals and objectives have been met, I also admit my scholarship has far exceeded those goals and objectives, especially in the study of information gathering and research. The required core classes formed an infrastructure on which specialized knowledge could be produced. Classes such as Information and knowledge Society enlightened me to the subject of information behavior, directing me on how to better serve patrons, regardless of the library where I am employed, and aided in achieving my objective of learning in what ways patrons disseminate information. Information and Communication Technology provided the vital skills necessary to retain technological relevancy in current digital trends, which is one of my goals for learning. Furthermore, Information Resources and Services for Young Adults cultivated and refined my growing desire to advocate for children and young adults, our future leaders and world changers, through the venue of the library. Additionally, this class provided the information I required to meet my goal of learning the responsibilities of a children's/young adult librarian. It is my belief that I am qualified and equipped to serve the information community, and I am eager to enter the field through employment.

Professional Goals

While my professional goals are somewhat unequivocal, I have learned through my journey in the School of Library and Information Science to always be open to new ideas, learning, and roles in the library. Although I do have a plan for my career, I will keep an open mind to all opportunities presented to me, to further enrich my knowledge and understanding of library and information science.

Graduation - 5 years:

  • Obtain children’s/young adult services position in a public library.

  • Continue professional development through trainings and classes offered in position, as well as gaining insight into other positions in the library.

  • Create library programming for children/young adults to be replicated at other libraries.

  • Share creation and implementation of programming at a library conference.

Professional career (5-10 years):

  • Continue to seek professional development and mentoring opportunities, inside and outside of current position.

  • Pursue administrative roles as they become available, up to and including directorship.

continuing education

As stated above, I have learned through my journey in the School of Library and Information Science to always be open to new ideas, learning, and roles in the library. Furthermore, I have learned that the role of libraries and information science is always evolving, therefore I will seek to continue my education in library and information science through the following means. 

Professional organizations

Involvement with professional organizations through committees and round tables will present an opportunity to work with other professionals in my field, brainstorm with them, and learn from their experiences. As I am currently a member of the GameRT and GNCRT, I recognize that aligning myself with, and learning from others in my field through these round tables is paramount to the success of my librarianship.


While attending SLIS I have attended multiple webinars organized and offered by ALA and Library 2.0. I was delighted by the wide array of topics covered, as well as the depth and attention given to each subject. I look forward to attending many more webinars throughout my professional career, and plan on participating in subjects not just pertinent to my field, but seeking out others as well in order to stay well informed on a broader level. 

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