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professional organizations

Games and Gaming Round Table (GameRT), August, 2019-current

According to their website, the Games and Gaming Round Table, "provides a venue for librarians interested in the use of games and gaming in libraries of all types a place to gather and share."

With my chosen field of children and young adult services, I am confident that the use of games in the library will help to establish and fortify the community of children and young adults who use the library where I am employed. 

Graphic Novels and Comics Round Table (GNCRT), August, 2019-current

According to their website, the Graphic Novels and Comics Round Table, "is dedicated to supporting library staff in all aspects of engaging with graphic novels and comics, including collection development, programming, and advocacy." 

Throughout my coursework I have learned much regarding how comics and graphic novels can be and are used in libraries. I have seen firsthand how comics and graphic novels can excite young reluctant readers and promote literacy, as well as providing connection and encouraging engagement among users in the community. Serving on this round table will allow me to further explore the topic, as well as hone my expertise on the use of comics and graphic novels in the library. 

Max Chambers Library Development Committee, July 2014-June 2017

The purpose of the Max Chambers Library Development Committee was to create opportunities for professional development among librarians and staff in the library, as well as opportunities for engagement through activities outside the library. Furthermore, the committee was tasked with organizing events to help promote the library through community development. 

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